Digital Radiography System, Faxitron Model UltraFocus100
Location: BJCIH 11506
Contact: Michael Brodt
Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA)
Faxitron Model UltraFocus100
Location: BJCIH 11506
Contact: Michael Brodt
MicroCT – post mortem
Scanco uCT50 (Supported by NIH S10OD028573)
Location: BJCIH 11506
Contact: Michael Brodt
MicroCT – in vivo
Scanco VivaCT40
Location: BJCIH 11506
Contact: Michael Brodt
X-ray Microscope
Zeiss Xradia Versa520 High Resolution/NanoCT
Location: Couch Bldg., WU Center for Cellular Imaging (WUCCI)
Contact: Peter Bayguinov, PhD
Mechanical Testing
Instron 8841 (200 lb, servohydraulic), Instron ElectroPuls E10000 (10000 N, electromechanical), Instron ElectroPuls E1000 (1000 N, electromechanical); Test Resources 160T1-10 Torsion Tester (10Nm and 0.2Nm); Infrared motion capture system
Location: BJCIH 11518
Contact: Simon Tang or Michael Brodt
Muscle Physiology
For in vitro and in vivo testing of muscles in mice, please contact Dr. Gretchen Meyer (