
The overall objective for the Center and its Administrative Core is to support the development, implementation and evaluation of animal models for musculoskeletal biology and medicine. We pursue this objective through our Leadership activities and Enrichment Program, provided by the Administrative Core. Through an expanded Pilot & Feasibility (P&F) Grant Program we provide seed funding for meritorious projects that have potential to build to larger grant proposals, and that provide critical support to Early Stage Investigators or those new to musculoskeletal research. We also provide numerous opportunities for exchange of new ideas and findings, through research and educational seminars, symposia and networking events. Lastly, we support rigorous research approaches by providing expert consulting on the use of mouse genetic models, as well as study design and biostatistics.

  • Aim 1 – Provide leadership of the Center through a transparent organizational structure
  • Aim 2 – Promote, manage and evaluate the Center and its Resource Cores
  • Aim 3 – Communicate with stakeholders and increase outreach and recruitment for Affiliate Members
  • Aim 4 – Administer the Enrichment Program

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