The overall objective of the Histology and Morphometry Core is to provide histological services, training and support for the identification and analysis of molecular phenotypes in developing and adult mice and other model organisms, as well as patient samples. We have particular expertise in musculoskeletal tissues – bone, cartilage, muscle, tendon and ligament – but are able to process tissue from any site. We support rigorous and reproducible approaches that contribute to research proposals and publications with high impact, and are available to meet with investigators to aid in experimental planning and data interpretation. We provide training and enrichment opportunities (in concert with the T32 Skeletal Disorders Training Program) and foster interactions among existing and new members of the Research Community through sharing of techniques and approaches for histology and microscopy. In addition to providing tissue processing and staining by core staff, we provide training and access to select core equipment and microscopy setups for researchers’ use at an hourly rate.
- Aim 1 – Histological Services
- Aim 2 – Resources for Histological Imaging and Analysis
- Aim 3 – Consultation, training, and development/implementation of new techniques
- Aim 4 – Quality control and communication
- Preparation of sections, including paraffin, methylmethacrylate, and frozen (OCT) embedding and specific tissue orientations, and a variety of specialized stains for musculoskeletal tissues.
- Provision of specialized histology techniques, including nondecalcified frozen sections with tape transfer for fluorescent label visualization, immunostaining, in situ hybridization or laser capture microdissection. Training and protocols can also be provided.
- Bone histomorphometry, training and access to BioQuant Osteo system.
- Confocal microscopy, training and access to Leica DMi8 system.
- Consultation on histological techniques and choice of reagents.
- Training and use of tissue processor, microtomes, and cryostat.
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