The Structure and Strength Core offers additional software tools to assist users with the analysis of DICOM images obtained from computed tomography systems. These software tools are built on platforms that are compatible with multiple operating systems, and they are designed to provide visualization and morphometric measurements related to the musculoskeletal system. If these tools have helped your research efforts, please acknowledge our NIH funding source (NIH P30 AR074992).

For questions, feature requests, and bug reports please contact Simon Tang

Washington University Musculoskeletal Image (WUMI) analysis program

The WUMI is a collection of analysis scripts and custom analyses related to musculoskeletal research packaged into a single user interface. The WUMI enables contouring, segmentation, visualization, and histmorphometric analyses of DICOMs by leveraging the image manipulation and analyses capabilities of MatLab. No further updates are provided except for bug fixes, as we are moving to the Open Source Slicer platform for future software tools.

To run
Extract ZIP file into documents/MATLAB folder.

In MATLAB, open and add all files to the path, then run ContouringGUI.m.

Required Software
MATLAB Version R2022a or later. The following add-ons are required: Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox V12.3, Image Processing Toolbox V11.5.

3D Slicer Musculoskeletal Analysis Extension

The Musculoskeletal Analysis Extension contains much of the visualization and analysis capabilities of the WUMI but is built on the Open Source 3D Slicer Platform. This can be run on any 3D Slicer compatible operating system.

To Install-


Open the Extensions Manager in Slicer.
Click “Install from file…” and select the MusculoskeletalAnalysisPackage ZIP file

(No need to unzip) and restart.

Mac OS X:

  1. Download the code from (Click the green <>Code button, click Download ZIP, download and unzip.)
  2. In Slicer, open the edit menu, select Application Settings.
  3. Go to the Modules tab.
  4. In Additional module paths: drag and drop or click the >> to the right to add the following folder locations:
    Scripted/MusculoskeletalAnalysis, CLI/CancellousAnalysis, CLI/CorticalAnalysis, CLI/DensityAnalysis, CLI/IntervertebralAnalysis. Do not add the CLI Tools folder.
  5. Restart Slicer. The new modules should be located under Quantification in the Modules drop down menu.

Required Software
Slicer Version 5.30 or later