Measures of structure and strength are essential when assessing functional outcomes in animal models related to musculoskeletal biology and medicine. In 2008, evaluation of these outcomes at Washington University in Saint Louis (WUSTL) was limited to few investigators because we lacked centralized resources and organization. Evaluating these outcomes requires specialized equipment and expertise, which is impractical and inefficient to recreate in multiple labs. In response to this unmet need, we established the Musculoskeletal Structure and Strength Core. This multifaceted resource supports our Research Community in understanding and implementing techniques to evaluate structure and mechanical properties of musculoskeletal tissues (bone, cartilage, disc, muscle, tendon) derived from animal models. The Structure and Strength core has five objectives: A) support access and cost-effective utilization of existing resources for imaging and mechanical testing; B) support rigorous approaches leading to publication quality data with broad impact; C) provide training and enrichment opportunities (in concert with the T32 Skeletal Disorders Training Program); D) enhance and extend Core capabilities through development of new techniques; and E) foster new interactions and enhance existing interactions between members of the musculoskeletal Research Community at WUSTL.
Aim 1 – Maintain protocols, equipment, and enable the imaging/mechanical testing of musculoskeletal structures and tissues from studies driven by the Research Community investigators
Aim 2 – Provide training, engage users, and assist with data compliance to optimize quality, efficiency, and impact
Aim 3 – Enhance state-of-the-art infrastructure and drive innovation
Citing the P30 and S10 grants in publications
Our research cores are supported by our P30 grant. If you use our core services to derive data that is used in a publication submission, please cite our P30 grant in your submission:
“Washington University Musculoskeletal Research Center (NIH P30 AR074992).”
If you use the Scanco uCT50 scanner to derive data that is used in a publication submission, please cite our S10 grant in the funding acknowledgments:
“Washington University Musculoskeletal Structure and Strength Core (NIH S10 OD028573).”
This information can always be found in the footer of our website, in the newsletter footer, on our iLab page, and on your iLab invoice.
Ex vivo systems
- Scanco microCT 50 (up to 0.5 um spatial resolution) (Supported by NIH S10OD028573)
- Zeiss Xradia Versa 520 X-ray microscope (XRM; sub-micron resolution, phase contrast features, for small and large samples). Carl Zeiss
Ix vivo systems
- Scanco vivaCT 50 (up to 10 um spatial resolution)
- Faxitron digital X-ray and small animal DeXA
Mechanical Testing
- Electropuls E10000 (10000N, electromechanical)
- Instron 8841 (200 lb, servohydraulic)
- Instron ElectroPuls E1000 (1000 N, electromechanical)
- Test Resources 160T1-10 Torsion Tester (10Nm and 0.2Nm)
- Biodent 1000 Reference Point Indentation System
- Aurora 1300A Muscle testing system with dual environmental baths and custom foot plate
- OptiTrak Infrared motion capture system
- Aurora 1400A
Support Equipment
- Prusa i3 MK3S+3D printer
- 6 isoflurane vaporizers for gas anesthesia
- 8 workstations for data reconstruction and image analysis, including GPU workstation
- National Instruments strain gauge signal conditioning unit
- Machine tools (lathe/mill, band saw, grinders, etc) for fixture fabrication and modification
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