Funds are intended to support preliminary musculoskeletal studies leading to future grant submission, or to support completion of data collection for a manuscript submission. JIT projects may be for established investigators working on a new (unfunded) project, or for new investigators.
The research project must fall into the following category:
- Studies or new directions in research in musculoskeletal area (Cores B, C, D or WUCCI).
Bio statistical Consulting Support
Up to $300 available to support consultation with Karen Steger-May ($60/hr) or another pre-approved WUSM biostatistician. Contact Dr. Silva with questions (
Applicant must be a registered member of the Musculoskeletal Research Center (MRC). Member eligibility and registration is available here. For assistance with registration, contact Kamilla McGhee (
Applicants from Washington University must hold a faculty level appointment. For research fellows or trainees, the mentor (faculty member) must submit the application as PI.
Applicants may hold only one JIT Core Usage award at a time, and total awarded services may not exceed $1200 within a grant year. Applicants can only receive two JIT awards in a 5 year period. Submit the Request Form (available below) via the “Submit” button below.
Forms Required
Request form and a confirmation form from the Director of the MRC Core that will provide the requested service(s). Both forms are in the PDF available for download below.
Review Process
All proposals will be reviewed by a committee that includes the MRC Executive Committee. Once the proposal has been submitted, your request will be reviewed within 30 days.
Investigators approved for an award will not receive hard funds. Essentially, a voucher will be issued for the requested services. Upon completion of the services, Core(s) will issue an invoice to the MRC Administrative Core and, in turn, receive payment. Funds for MRC specific services will be available to the investigator until February 28 of the following year.
The JIT Core Usage Funding Program is funded by the WU Musculoskeletal Research Center and the P30 Core Centers for Musculoskeletal Biology and Medicine.