Undergraduate URM Travel Grant Program: Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Meeting – Apply now! Deadline to apply: November 25, 2024 (11:59 PM CST) ORS Undergraduate URM Travel Award Name * Name First First Last Last Email * Cell Phone * College/University * Are you an underrepresented undergraduate in STEM? * Yes No Are you available during the conference? (February 7-11, 2025) * Yes No Are you at least 18 years old? (This is a requirement for travel) * Yes No Short Essay #1: Describe an obstacle that has limited your accessibility to research opportunities. (400 word max) * Short Essay #2: Describe how will this award help you reach your academic and professional goals. (400 word max) * Please attach your Resume / CV (pdf) * Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 51.2MB Please attach a list of the STEM college courses you’ve taken through the Fall 2022 semester (pdf) * Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 51.2MB Race (may select more than one) * Asian Black or African American Hispanic/Latino Native American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White Prefer not to answer Gender Identity * Female Male Transgender female Transgender male Non-binary/non-conforming Prefer not to respond OtherOther Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? * Yes No Are you a first generation college student? * Yes No Is there any other aspect of your demographics that you would like to share? (military service, disability, socioeconomic status, etc.) * Year in College * 1st – ‘Freshman’ 2nd – ‘Sophomore’ 3rd – ‘Junior’ 4th – ‘Senior’ 5th+ What is your college major [*Modify to be specific for each institution*]? If you have multiple majors please check multiple. Please do not check minors, only the major(s). * Biology Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Materials Science and Engineering Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Physics OtherOther How did you hear about the program? * Social Media Departmental Email Mentor Flyer OtherOther I am primarily applying to this program to gain… * Mentorship – People to help guide me in my career aspirations Career exploration – Insight into a career in research Networking – Connections with researchers from my university and other universities Future employment – Learn about potential summer research positions or long-term research opportunities OtherOther How would you best categorize your career goal at this time? * I would like a MD; aka I want to be a Medical Doctor. I would like a DVM (or VMD); aka I want to be a Veterinarian. I would like a PhD. I would like a dual degree either MD/PhD or DVM/PhD. I would like a graduate degree, but not a MD, PhD, or DVM. Other options are masters degrees, MBA (business), nursing, physical therapy, etc. I would like to work in industry. I am undecided in my career path at this point in time. I am exploring options. OtherOther Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ